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Janice Hathaway

Los fotocollages de Janice Hathaway

By Janice Hathaway No Comments

Many thanks to José Miguel Perez Corrales for posting an article about my exhibition Liquid Solaris at Fundación Eugenio Granell on his blog Surrealismo Internacional.

Los fotocollages de Janice Hathaway

Eternal Improvisation

La exposición que en mayo celebró Janice Hathaway en la Fundación Eugenio Granell dejó un magnífico catálogo, muy rico de contenido y lleno de fotos documentales y reproducciones espléndidas de muchas de sus obras.

En el texto más extenso, Ruurdje Laarhoven hace un detallado recuento de su trayectoria vital y artística, que interesa sobre todo por su etapa juvenil en Alabama, tiempos de afirmación y revuelta, primero en el grupo dadaísta-patafísico Raudelunas y luego en el propiamente surrealista Glass Veal, con Davey Williams, LaDonna Smith y otros amigos abiertos a todo tipo de expresiones, y en particular a la sonora y a la plástica. Posteriormente, Janice Hathaway se sumaría a las actividades del Grupo Surrealista de Chicago.

Orientada desde siempre al grabado y al collage, Janice Hathaway llega por fin al collage digital, en  cuyo terreno innova la imagen con gran fuerza poética, como comenta Laurens Vancrevel en el ensayo más importante de este catálogo, que se abre con una reflexión sobre la digitalización de la imagen. Se ha traducido también el artículo de Franklin Rosemont publicado en Surrealist subversions (la antología del surrealismo del grupo de Chicago elaborada en 2002 por Ron Sakolsky) y hay textos de LaDonna Smith y Davey Williams, aquella comentando tres de los collages de la artista. Sus amigos Merl Fluin y Paul Cowdell, por su parte, crean un juego surrealista con sus collages. (read more on his blog)

Janice Hathaway’s Exhibition Liquid Solaris in Santiago de Compostela Spain

By Exhibition, Janice Hathaway No Comments

Janice Hathaway was invited to exhibit her Surrealist collage at The Eugenio Granell Fundación in Santiago de Compostela Spain from May 26 – July 10 2016. Granell’s daughter, Executive Director Natalia Fernandez, extended the invitation as part of a year of women Surrealist exhibitions in honor of her mother and Granell’s wife Amparo Segarra.

Eugenio Granell was the last Spanish Surrealist of the early Surrealist movement. The Eugenio Granell Fundación is the only museum in the world dedicated exclusively to the movement. The Eugenio Granell Fundación opened in 1995 in his home town of Santiago de Compostela and holds 600 of Granell’s paintings along with works by Picabia, Duchamp, Man Ray and Breton and now two photo-collages by Janice Hathaway.

Janice met with the staff from The Eugenio Granell Fundación before the exhibition to discuss framing and the exhibition installation. On the day of the opening, an interview was held in the gallery. The interview was in Spanish so the questions and answers were translated. The Eugenio Granell Fundación board members, staff and the Galician community attended the opening reception.

My drummer is my conscious

By Collective writing, Janice Hathaway, Ruurdje Laarhoven No Comments

For Paul Cowell,
September 21, 2014

Collage by Janice Hathaway

My drummer is my conscious

My drummer is my conscious
Floating silently along a bed of roses.
Good morning sweetie, it’s going to be a glorious day,
Skinned with a rough bark-like substance impervious to weather.
Because of gun shots and thunder
Once the sound of my drum catches their attention they cannot keep their feet on the ground,
giving rise to the notion of the flying dog.

A large swan that uses her beak to drum.
I was in seventh heaven when my drummer found me.
Ringing, rat-a-tat-ting with little fluttering notes that fade away slowly.
The horrors of the war, the whispers of the leaves, the roll of the waves.
Their hearing is so astute they can hear the smallest flutters as a shout for attention.
When pinned down and catapulted off into the night sky.


The Charge

By Collective writing, Davey Williams, Janice Hathaway, Johnny Williams, LaDonna Smith No Comments

discharging melon seeds to miners
whose eye balls dilate with darkness. Chimpanzee historians
recite stanzas until ting tong tones tell tales of the aftermath of digestive organs
as if there were worms crawling about.
Meanwhile, belts of bells, bullets, boxes…bobby pins, bags…
An excellent debacle ensues
Sancoset series given a name
On the ashes of imagined signs
In the lethargy of firm ropes of “miracle gro”
We sprout hearing buds and exercises of listening.
There are fragments of rose thorns and crystal reflections on your face
You have touched and been touched by the loud chorus of artifact,
a scattered memory with legs and floating in steel.
Random tongues of razors and mortar
Gave a lingering presence like perfum
Leaning towards golf with loose fitted coral balls.

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