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Janice Hathaway – Early Years

“In 1973 Janice Hathaway became part of Raudelunas during their first large-scale public event by marching in the annual University of Alabama Homecoming Parade as the Raudelunas Marching Vegetable Band. Each year until 1977 the group became an annual addition to the parade and many people came to the parade just to see what came next. Each year the group adopted a different persona such as the Raudelunas Marching Ubu Band; the Raudelunas Marching Booley Band, with a photograph of Hathaway taking photos, the Raudelunas Marching Arm Band and the Raudelunas Marching Appliance Band. Judging from some of Hathaway’s photographs these parades were quite hilarious and imaginative.

Evolution of Unique Surrealist Artform

Hathaway’s origin in surrealism lies with the individuals of the Raudelunas group that were drawn to the international movement which had started in Paris with Breton’s manifestoes in the early 20th century. The first formal group she belonged to was Glass Veal, an outgrowth of the Raudelanus.”

Ruurdje Laarhoven, “Janice Hathaway is Surrealist in photo-collage” Janice Hathaway. Fundación Eugenio Granell, 2016.

After Alabama

Janice Hathaway continued to work as a surrealist from that time onward after moving first to Mississippi, then Tennessee and on to Hawaii for twenty years. She returned to the U.S. mainland in 2008 and lives Williamsburg Virginia where she teaches design and continues to create her photo-collages.

Gradually her approach to her photo-collages changed. Her early photo-collage were darkroom printed photographic prints, sepia-toned and hand-colored with colored pencils and gauche. Her work changed to a fully digital process as software and equipment evolved.

In Hathaway’s book, her essays “My Photo-collages” describe her photo-collage creative and technical approach beginning in the1980; and My Digital Process” is an in-depth illustrated example of her current digital process.

In 2020, Hathaway realized her work no longer was well described as photo-collage. She now refers to her work as transmorgraphy.

Additional works and publications are on her Janice Hathaway Transmorgraphy web site.


Janice Hathaway Transmorgraphy